becomming a better drummer

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becomming a better drummer

Postby drummerjeff » Fri May 18, 2012 8:29 pm

hey guys, I am working on putting together a series on how to learn..I have spent years studying this subject and have finaly decided I want to put this down I am making a video lesson series to explain my thoughts.. I'm not selling anything, just want to share some things that have really helped me. I am looking for what people don't like about it........and I realize I suck at narrating(if I had a budget for this side project I would have hired somebody)....but anyway, you guys are always great at picking things apart,,,, so I am asking, tell me what sucks(except for the narration)
Jim Richman
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby Jim Richman » Fri May 18, 2012 8:44 pm

Pretty neat! If I were to change something, it would be intro live music clip. It is a mess. You should want the beginning to be like a target goal. A nice simple drum groove with a band would do.
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby sejuba » Sun May 20, 2012 4:53 pm

hmmm i like the idea, but i don't like the end result.

1- i have always hated watching videos with cheesy animation or stuff that looks too technical. In this case, you're talking about something that's supposed to be
fun (music/drums) yet the approach looks more like one of those boring videos your physics teacher will make you watch to learn about mechanics.
I'd prefer if you filmed yourself instead and also if you acted goofy.

Also, the intro music could be replaced by a fill... make it a kick ass fill. lol

don't give up, and thanx for supporting our craft - its very much appreciated.
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby Andy Vermiglio » Tue May 22, 2012 9:32 am


I can relate my experiences in drumming with your video. Well done. This explains why many times I have seen drummers with "not a lot of chops" sound amazing with a band. And why some drummers with "great technique" will sound uninspired in a band context.
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Dave Goodman
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby Dave Goodman » Wed May 23, 2012 8:07 pm

Hey man,

I remember you talking about these ideas a few years ago and I was inspired at that time by what you had to say. Perhaps it was on the old forum? Anyway, I wanna encourage you to keep going. The only thing I'll say is to keep revising the material in consultation with someone you trust and who knows what they're doing. Keep revising until it flows like you want it to. Don't release anything to the public before you're happy with it, or before it's "complete". I just finished seven years of intense doctoral study and will be happy to get into a private dialogue with you via PM and email if you'd like. No problem, just let me know - I have a ton of cheap advice to offer.

All the best with it anyway,

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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby Gaddabout » Wed May 23, 2012 8:56 pm

I think it's outstanding. Considering your audience, the notation and everything is fine and will make sense. The opening music cut is what you think is "better drumming," so it serves as an example of what you think the goal could or should be to the intended audience. That makes sense. It's a personal choice and if I'm watching a video like this on a site or YouTube, you definitely need to show me something in the first 3 or 4 seconds that gets my attention. Sorry, but a simple drum beat won't get it.

The animation is fine. It's just pretty long. People -- and especially kids -- don't have that kind of attention to wade through that. Cut to ...

My only suggested change is to simply stand in front of a camera and show me your face after the open. I work in TV. Faces are compelling when they're giving me information I want to know. You can even cut back and forth to break up the visual monotony. The most technical part -- leave that as a voice over -- but don't do it for so long. Make sure you cut back to you and I see your face at the end. People trust faces. They don't trust voices. They will be testing what your face says about your confidence in what you're saying. It's a vital visual cue for teachers.
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby drummerjeff » Thu May 24, 2012 8:40 am

Hey Guys, thanks for the input.
The opening clip is there just to give some sort of legitimacy to me that I am not a total hack...I am not a "cool fill" type of guy- never had a bag of goto impressive fills... but I have jumped leaps and bounds in my most important goal playing wise in that I can play what I want in time with total freedom.
Just trying explain it in a way that makes sense, and yes Dave, it is from the page I wrote a long time ago ...please excuse the site - it is a mess, in the process of redoing it

please keep the criticism coming as it helps me understand how to explain what I am trying to say in a more intelligible way

p.s. Thanks, Gaddabout... great advice
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Re: becomming a better drummer

Postby bclarkio » Sun May 27, 2012 2:26 am

The great thing about Gaddabout's suggestion is that it would solve a lot of the problems with the narration.

It would give the impression that you were talking directly to the viewer, and would take focus away from any imperfections in your voice-over.

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