stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cymbal

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stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cymbal

Postby Rene » Thu Jun 28, 2012 2:33 am

.... with Jeff Hamilton, as you can read on his facebook page. If there is a problem with a cymbal company (espacially in Turkey), it'either split-up (e.g. Dirrel or Istanbul) or start your own. I'm interested what he'll bring to the market and / or they'll become Zildjian's biggest competitor ;-). Any thoughts?

I'm very excited to be starting a new cymbal company with one of the most respected drummers in the business and a true cymbal authority, Jeff Hamilton. Here's what Hammer has to say about Crescent Cymbals:

"If you had the experience and knowledge of how cymbals are designed, as passed on personally by Mel Lewis, Shelly Manne, Papa Jo Jones and Philly Joe Jones, would you not want to share that? What are the cymbals supposed to feel like under stick? How important is the contour, hammering, bell and bow? Should they be shaped based on older cymbals from the '40s and '50s, or on newer designs? After several frustrating endeavors with other companies, I chose to protect the integrity of the mentors, heroes and friends before me, by having control over the way my cymbals should be made, and committing to our new company.

My recent trip to Istanbul provided much encouragement and excitement of things to come. Michael Vosbein and I worked for a solid week perfecting ideas with expert cymbal makers. The major difference in this new endeavor is: We (with partners Stanton Moore and Bill Norman) own this company.

I have been hired for my sound, live and in the studio, for my entire playing career. I am happy to offer my new Crescent Hammertone series as the finest examples of my cymbal sound philosophies. Based on the combination of willingness, creativity, craftsmanship, passion and pride from all involved, I believe Crescent Cymbals has a bright future."
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Old Pit Guy
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Re: stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cy

Postby Old Pit Guy » Thu Jun 28, 2012 7:29 am

Well, yeah. If you perfect new ideas in a week for something made over centuries it's bound to be the best thing since sliced bread.

Marketing masturbation, that's what I think.
Phil T.
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Re: stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cy

Postby Phil T. » Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:10 am

There was a thread about this I saw on "another forum" recently. Apparently, their deal to distribute Bosphorus ended / blew up. Finger pointing all around.
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Re: stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cy

Postby Josiah » Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:03 am

I'd be interested in hearing the cymbals. They'll need some mighty big bucks to compete with the big 3's distribution though
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Re: stanton moore starts his own cymbal company: crescent cy

Postby timmy » Sat Jun 30, 2012 6:14 am

i dare think that there is nothing better than making your own cymbal .i guess today's production might be affordable for those guys .after all they will hire the same cymb maker than bosphorus , like sabian /zildjian did !about the competition market ?might be hard to take zildjain off ,its kind of everywhere ...

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