Standard or "Power" sizes?

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Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby drumpal » Thu Mar 28, 2013 3:07 am

Hey guys,

I'm trying to figure out which to go with; standard or "power" size toms? I must say that I hate the terminology "power." It just sounds so goofy. But, are there benefits to one over the other? Are there big differences really between; say, a 14x10 and a 14x12 tom-tom, or a 12x10 and a 12x8, or a 10x8 and a 10x9, etc.? Does a one or two inch depth difference matter that much or make that big of difference? Which would be better to go with, standard or power?

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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Morgenthaler » Thu Mar 28, 2013 4:55 am

It really comes down to *your* personal sound preference for or against a specific kit in front of you.
I've always leaned towards power sizes. I find them easier to tune plus I like the beefier, ooomphier sounds one would normally associate with power sizes.

My 2 cents
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby robhaerr » Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:39 am

Back in the 90s..."Power Sizes" were the same dimensions both ways...

8x8, 10x10, 12x12, 13x13etc.

During that time it was actually hard to find "standard size" like a 8x12, 9x13, 10x14 in new drumsets. They have made/are making a comeback.

8x10, 10x12, 11x13, 12x14 have become the norm.

What's old is new again. Keep that old car...ya never know. All my bell-bottom jeans got warn out.

circh bustom
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby circh bustom » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:11 am

I have found I get a clearer representation of the tone with shorter toms. Its not a huge difference, but i can play quieter with the shallow toms as well. I have power toms on my birch kit but standard on my maple. My 12x8 can be tuned very deep. The response is also different. The stick feels different dude to the shorter distance the air has to travel. Again the distance isnt huge unless you are really a/b-ing them in my opinion.
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Paul Marangoni
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Paul Marangoni » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:18 am

Big difference. Also, deeper toms force you to mount them higher over the bass drum. That can be an issue if you're using a 24" bass drum for example.

Many companies have a third size which splits the difference. 10" x 8", 12" x 9", 13" x 10", etc. Some go even shallower than the standard depth.
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby bstocky » Thu Mar 28, 2013 6:21 am

I've played Short Stack - 5x10", 6x12" etc.
Jazz/Standard - 7or8x10", 8x12", etc.
Power/Fusion - 9x10", 10x12", etc.
Square - 10x10", 12x12", etc.

They all sound good. Everything sounds good if you can tune and hit a drum correctly. Is there a difference in sound? Yes, sorta, kinda, not really... it depends on how critical your ears are. Is there a feel difference? Yes, absolutely. The deeper drums take longer to respond. You have to hit them hard to get the air moving. AND the deeper the drum will be higher above your bass drum if you play a standard set up. Lifting your hands in inch or two higher than usual might drive you insane and there's nothing you can do about it. Positioning deep toms above the kick drives me crazy. It might not bother you at all.

I would/will buy normal standard sizes for my next kit. 8x10", 8x12". They sound good, feel good, are easy to position and lift at the end of the night when it's time to go home.

Whatever you do don't buy Sonor power toms. You'll break your back lifting them! :)
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Matthijs Ament
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Matthijs Ament » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:12 am

LoL...Whatever you do, buy Sonor drums if the PHX is out of reach. I like 'traditional' sizes. Rack toms 8x10 and 9x12, floors square [14x14 and 16x16] Deeper toms have less sustain and less overtones. So they sound Phat. Shallow toms have more attack and tonal/melodic focus. Just like the tube of a trumpet sounds different from a trombone due to the length and diameter.
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Paul Marangoni
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Paul Marangoni » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:32 am

Matthijs Ament wrote:I like 'traditional' sizes. Rack toms 8x10 and 9x12, floors square [14x14 and 16x16]

Traditional sizes would be 6.5 x 10 and 8 x 12. 8 x 10 and 9 x 12 sizes only came into existence in the last 25 years.
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Matthijs Ament » Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:42 am

Thanks Paul. Thats why I used ' ' on 'trad'. I meant the shallow racktoms combined with the square floors like Buddy did. I think Buddy had a 12" rack tom [9" deep] and 14x14 + 16x16 floors. Did they use 10" toms before the 60's? I always thought 12'' was the smallest tom.
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Re: Standard or "Power" sizes?

Postby Julián Fernández » Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:10 am

If I´m playing a 22", I don´t wanna a 10x10 or 10x12... The minimum height is a little to much for me. I´m tempted to try a 7x10 actually (like Vinnie´s current I think)...

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