Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Rhythmatist » Thu Feb 03, 2011 6:13 pm

Lucas Ives wrote:
kinkymook wrote:Just me?

not just you.

+ 1
Robert Bluman
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Robert Bluman » Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:18 am

First of all nothing I said is absurd. It's interesting that you would say things to put down my posts, yet my posts aren't putting you down nor Dave or any other drummers. There's nothing negative in my words here. I don't understand why discussing real life and how full time drummers actually make ends meet is bad.
It's important to know what goes into drumming, not just musically, but as a whole. To address what you guys wrote, first I'm not the one who brought up Dave's family and his fatherhood. That was here before I posted. Please read the progression of the thread before you start writing. Second, the rates have not gone down. The union recording scales have been the same for the last 5 years. The rates you are talking about are probably independent, and that's not the type of session work I'm referring to. You nailed it when you talked about income. Well what about the pros that don't tour all year? Or even half the year?
I have met these drummers and spoke to them about this. You don't see these guys on tour often at all. How do they make their living? It's just common sense. If a professional drummer is not touring every month, the money has to come from somewhere. In the cities where these drummers live, you can't support a home, a car and in many cases a family on less than $7000 per month. It's just not possible unless you're living in lower middle class means, which these drummers do not do.
They are first call session drummers. There are still plenty of drummers who make 80% of their living in the studio. Nir Z, Shawn Pelton, Omar Hakim, Steve Jordan, JR Robinson, Curt Bisquera, Abe Laboriel Jr, Nate Morton, Steve Schaeffer, Ralph Humphrey and I'm sure there are more. If you turn on the television, go to the movies, and listen to solo artists, who do you think is playing drums on all that music?? When there is a budget, they don't use loops and programmed drums. There will always be work there. It's not all gone for everyone. Vinnie who has been home for a while, is an exception. His touring gigs are the best in the business both musically and financially. Herbie, Jeff Beck, Sting etc etc. He's from another planet. Also, he's single without children, so the need to stay home is probably not there.
Sure the days of 3-4 sessions a day are gone, but there are a handful of drummers that are still making plenty of income via recording sessions. Why argue it? Think about it. How else do they support themselves? Local $100 gigs? Nope. Teaching? Ralph teaches, not the others. What else is there? They don't have other jobs. It's simple math guys. The bottom line here, which is the purpose of my initial post, is that everyone would stay home if they could make a living staying home. Not everyone can. That's not a negative judgement on their drumming skills or talent. Jack Dejohnette is not a session drummer, and he's one of my all time favorites. We were talking about staying home to be with loved ones and have somewhat of a normal life. The session drummers who still get the work are able to do this. That's why any drummer would give anything to get a talk show gig. Great pay, and you stay HOME.
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby DSOP » Fri Feb 04, 2011 12:56 pm

Robert, you've already admitted that you're "speculating". What you're writing just amounts to gossip, and is in bad taste. How much money someone makes, or how they make it, or why they travel so much, or whether or not they get called for sessions, is none of anyone's business. If and when Dave decides to share that information, then by all means, discuss ad nauseum.

If you want to talk about AFM rates, and how many sessions actually abide by those rules, feel free to start a new topic about that. Then you can post specific facts that back up what you say.

Getting back to Weckl, is anyone going to the Oz Noy show next week?
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Joesmechanic » Fri Feb 04, 2011 7:14 pm

If my schooling schedule isn't as crazy as it was this week, I'll be at the Oz Noy gig.

Even before I was introduced to Dave a long time ago, I could always tell he was a pretty enterprising fellow. Lets not forget how well he did with his videos, cymbals, drums, sticks, books, etc. I'm sure he's still making money off every time one of those products still gets purchased. He was one of the 1st guys to put out there what he does and how he does it in such an explanatory way via several mediums.

He's got a wicked business sense & he's got a wicked musical ability (like many others mentioned here). I'm pretty sure he's not hurting by any means.

I know he loves Europe. So do I. If I could spend 1/2 the year there either visiting or working there, I'd do it too. Whether someone spends a lot of time away from home doesn't equate into being a bad or a good parent. Many people have different ways of raring their kids. Doesn't mean he doesn't love his daughter immensely. But you also don't know all the reasons why he's been touring & spending time in Europe. I think the word "speculating" has come up a couple of times, and I think you're doing a lot of it.

I'm sure like some have said here, that if he decided to stay in L.A. more, he'd be able to stay busy doing whatever. Again, he's a very smart fellow. I don't think Dave does anything he doesn't want to do.

If you want to know more, come to the gig. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to share what he's been up to & give you his thoughts about recording pay vs. touring vs. whatever. He's a very cool & down to earth to talk to.
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby DSOP » Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:11 am

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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Rodge » Thu Feb 10, 2011 9:36 am

I come from Tain, Vinnie, Omar, Jeff, Fish, Stewart, and many more...
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby willyz » Thu Feb 10, 2011 1:39 pm

What's the snare drum he's got there? Looks similar to his old signature model...
Got Blushda?
Robert Bluman
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Robert Bluman » Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:08 pm

Amazing photos! I didn't mean to be taken offensively with the parenting and fatherhood comments. I wasn't the first to mention being a dad in this thread. I do believe knowing how these people "make it happen" is also a part of the educational process. Everyone who's a professional has told me that drumming is a lifestyle commitment, not just music. I don't find discussing road weariness, how family members deal with a musician, and being a touring parent to be insulting nor offensive. I find it interesting and educational. If for some reason you guys find it offensive, I won't bring it up. I don't really get it though because all of these drummers we talk about play to make a living and support themselves and their families, and families are about being together. Even drum magazines have articles on how families cope.
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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby DSOP » Thu Feb 10, 2011 2:39 pm

willyz wrote:What's the snare drum he's got there? Looks similar to his old signature model...

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Re: Dave Weckl Touring Schedule !?

Postby Steve Holmes » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:07 am

So Isaac and I went last night. We went to the 10pm set, it was packed. It was pretty insane, I enjoyed OZ more this time than last, he's getting some more depth to his playing it seems. Seeing Dave for the umpteenth time I'm still amazed at his rock solid time and amazing control of dynamics. Daryl blended in nicely and sounded solid as well. Great show.

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