Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

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Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Mpdrums » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:08 pm

A previous thread discussed re-cutting the edges on Yamaha MCA's to get them sounding more like the Maple Customs. Im really bummed that I can't get these drums to really sing especially when clubs are too small to mic the drums. I feel like im getting lost in the mix when it comes to the toms. They just sound so thin. Im wishin I would have stayed with the regular Maple Customs but it's too late.

My questions are: Has anybody done this? (Had the edges re-cut). If you did what edges did you put on the drums? Was it a re-cut of a 45/45 or something different?

The drums are nice but just dont sing even with various head changes etc.. Would like some advice before I consider selling these if I can't get the right tone. Thanks for the help.
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Joesmechanic » Tue Feb 22, 2011 4:57 pm

Not sure where you live, but....Bill over at Pork Pie drums in Canoga Park is an excellent person to have your edges looked at/done by. You might want to give him a call. Very affordable too as well.

My friend Dave Karasony (plays for the Rippingtons) is a genius at tuning & getting to get drums to sound killer. I don't know what it is, he's always had that knack since I can remember. He's got the same kit and so do I. I've got the same problems and so did he. I'm not sure if he took them to Bill to have something done with them, but I know he went thru a few head combinations to find the right set up for them.

I can call him and ask what he did & try to post it when I get a free second to talk to him. But you could always give Bill a call and see what he says. Maybe he's already come across this issue with the MCA's. It might be a common one. I can tell you one thing though, Karasony did say he wished he never sold his old recording custom kit. He said those were the best drums he's ever owned. Sounded perfect, easy to tune. I saw an old RC kit at one of the local drums shops the other day. Power toms & a 22 kick. I think I might be going back to pick those bad boys up. I've always LOVED that RC sound.
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Julián Fernández » Tue Feb 22, 2011 5:46 pm

Why don´t just sell the drums and get a nice MCs or RCs? Makes more sense to me...
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby gretsch-o-rama » Tue Feb 22, 2011 6:14 pm

I've heard that Weckl will only play the vintage finish with the absolutes because the paint kills the resonance...
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Mpdrums » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:10 pm

Thanks for the replies. Joesmechanic I would be interested in getting some more info about what can be done. I live on the east coast and the shipping alone would kill me. I don't want to replace the drums and take a loss just to have to put more money into another kit. The price to do edges isnt unreasonable im just not sure exactly what to do or what to ask for. Any additional help or insight would be great. Thanks.
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Lucas Ives » Tue Feb 22, 2011 7:27 pm

gretsch-o-rama wrote:I've heard that Weckl will only play the vintage finish with the absolutes because the paint kills the resonance...

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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby YamahaPlayer » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:00 pm

Mpdrums wrote:A previous thread discussed re-cutting the edges on Yamaha MCA's to get them sounding more like the Maple Customs. Im really bummed that I can't get these drums to really sing especially when clubs are too small to mic the drums. I feel like im getting lost in the mix when it comes to the toms. They just sound so thin. Im wishin I would have stayed with the regular Maple Customs but it's too late.

My questions are: Has anybody done this? (Had the edges re-cut). If you did what edges did you put on the drums? Was it a re-cut of a 45/45 or something different?

The drums are nice but just dont sing even with various head changes etc.. Would like some advice before I consider selling these if I can't get the right tone. Thanks for the help.

Gettin em re-edged, you might as well get progressive edging.

Cut the bottoms pretty sharp, 65/35, 60/40 kinda deal.
Top edges wise, have the highest tom cut at the sharpest angle and progressively widen the angle towards the biggest tom. You can also do things like have a 1 ply flat, rounded, 2 ply rounded, etc... lots of options now a days.

You could always just put the same edges on given drums you like too.
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby nomsgmusic » Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:30 pm

Since you say you live on the East Coast, I figured that I would suggest a great edging source.

Precision Drums in NY State (about 1.5 hours north of NYC) has always done all my edges and drum work. They are the best on the East Coast (as far as I am concerned.) They will do EXACTLY what you want done, will give you great advice regarding sound of different edges, get the job done when they say they are going to, and do it VERY reasonably.

I am in NJ about 2 hours away from them, so I drive my stuff up. That way you don't have to worry about "Beavis the UPS guy" throwing your shells around. Nor do you have to pay to have stuff packed well, or save boxes around the house to ship your shells. In fact I believe, if you let Gary know ahead of time (make an appt) they will do them in one day. So you can hand deliver your stuff, go get something to eat, kill some time and do whatever, come back at days end and take your drums home. (Don't quote me on this though, I don't know if he does that for everyone.) But that way there is no packing, no shipping, no risk. It's WELL worth the trip. But if you aren't close, most people ship their jobs in.

They have done A LOT of work for me on my Gretsch's, Yamaha's, and my snares, and do EXCELLENT, SECOND TO NONE type work, I have NEVER been disappointed in any of their work, or in any of my dealings with them. I even let all of my drum friends know when I am going up so I can hand deliver their stuff that needs work as well (can you tell, I REALLY don't trust UPS!)

And NO I don't work for them!!!! I just believe in good old fashioned quality American craftsmanship, pride in your work, and spreading the good reputation of someone I deal with.

Good luck,

PS. When I have been on the West Coast and needed some work done, Chris Heuer (in Glendale) has done some GREAT work for me as well.
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby groober » Wed Feb 23, 2011 6:55 am

Hi mpdrums,
I have both the very kits you are talking about. The Maple customs if I remember rightly are a slightly thicker shell, this gives more stability and tone from the head. The thinner the shell, the less it seems to project out front. If you have a tonne of great mics, monitoring etc no problem but if not then they will sound weaker, boxier and get lost in the mix.
I tend to use the MCAs for Jazzier, quieter type gigs and recordings and the MCs for louder, more full on type stuff. This my experience of them. Cutting those bearing edges is kinda like sharpening a pencil if you know what i mean. It will be less or more articulate. Bearing edges = less or more articulation, Shells = projection and fundamental tone and Heads = note. That's the way i figure it. I get a phenomenal sound from from MCs with Ambassadors and G1s. Maybe the drum store could rent you a kit or tom to use on the next gig ....

Good luck
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Joe Nocella
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Re: Help! Bearing Edges on Maple Custom Absolutes

Postby Joe Nocella » Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:21 am

I've not been happy with the last three drum sets I owned!!! (A Pearl BRX, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute, and a Pearl Master Premium Maple). I always suspected the edges to be the culprit. Sick of buying new kits hoping that I would get the one that would sing just the way I envisioned; I started to do some research.

I spoke to many people about my percieved issue, read forums on the net, contacted people like Bill at Pork Pie, as well as some custom drum manufacturers.

One of them, after telling me that he's played all 3 kits I mentioned made a suggestion. He said, all of my drums had die cast hoops. Why not go out buy yourself a set of Gibraltar 2.3mm flanged hoops. I put a set of flanged hoops I had laying around as a test. Walla! The drum opened up, started to sing, and was way easier to tune. No more wierd over tones, no more thin/brittle tone, no more raised pitch.

I'm not sure why you want to have your edges redone. I've never found a need to do this. I'm not sure how much of a difference it makes. Perhaps some people's ears are way more discerning than mine.

However, just putting on new hoops saved me a lot of time, money, and frustration. My drums are now a joy to tune and play.

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