Remember When...

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Remember When...

Postby Kurtis » Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:52 pm

i sort of miss the days when i would go to strawberry's records and browse the cd's. i didn't have the slightest clue what some of the music was about on some purchases and just had to take a chance. some records i new what i was getting into. like jazz and fusion records. if the musicians where listed on the back of the cd that i dug i just grabbed and paid. anything with vinnie, weckl, gadd, chambers i just bought and bought and bought and bought. from tom scott, chick, sco you name it. if those cats where on the records... some sucked but most of it was brilliant. that was the chance you had to take back then. these days you can sample freakin everything. from 30 second teasers to the entire song. how things have changed.

i miss pulling up to a gas station around 1991 and filling up for 89 cents a gallon. i was a brief time but i remember filling up for that much.

what the f happened to parents! i could go running around my neighborhood for an entire day from the age 5 till i guess about now. my mom and dad where far from where i was. they were in the house but i was doing this and that. doing things that you do at that age. now parents are around you 24/7. now that i am a parent i think that is the norm! what the f. i live in a place where you can run anywhere and come home safe and sound. but... given the time and age we live in not anymore. sucks. i wanted to my children to have the same up brining i had but those days are gone.

i miss wearing out my cassette tapes and having to go buy them on cd cause the tapes worn out. that happened with all of my rush music.

i miss my cb 700 kit.

there was no auditioning for local bands where i came from (Worcester Mass). you just knew cats and things worked out.

so much more
Jim Richman
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Re: Remember When...

Postby Jim Richman » Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:08 pm

I remember when you could jack change out of phone booths.
Keith Mansfield rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patrick Tiglao
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Re: Remember When...

Postby Patrick Tiglao » Fri Oct 22, 2010 11:35 pm

Yeah those were the good old days...Waxie Maxie's is where I purchased about 90 percent of my Rush tapes back in the day....

I remember when cigarettes were 1.75 a pack..
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Re: Remember When...

Postby Rhythmatist » Sat Oct 23, 2010 11:22 am

My neighbor and I would play Haskell Harr duets on the front porch and nobody complained. My garage band actually practiced in garages...not rehearsal studios.

Yeah, going into a record store when I was in college...coming out with RTF or Miles right alongside Yes, the Allman Bros, Bartok and Muddy Waters...good music was good music. There were only 4 genres; Classical, Jazz, Rock and Blues.

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