Anyone have one of these thrones?

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Old Pit Guy
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Re: Anyone have one of these thrones?

Postby Old Pit Guy » Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:11 pm

I'm not knocking expensive thrones, and especially not if they help, I'm knocking freelance net doctors who have answers with only the internet as education.
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Paul Marangoni
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Re: Anyone have one of these thrones?

Postby Paul Marangoni » Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:28 pm

chris perra wrote: In my experience the only people that really know anything about backs are Chiros.

Well, maybe a good chiropractor. There are plenty of bad/average ones. I found that a good physical therapist was best. It takes time (three months in my case back when I was in my late 20s). But after daily visits which involved a traction table and then plenty of extension exercises/stretches, I was good to go.

Sitting the way we do to play drums, with our arms extended, with all that twisting, is pretty hard on your back. If you're doing it for a few hours a day you're asking for trouble unless you have amazing posture (I don't). The best thing is preventive; strength training and keeping your weight down. A nice throne is only the icing on the cake. I prefer a solid throne for stability. I can't play on anything mushy or wobbly. That throne mentioned above with the springs under it seems like it would feel horrible to me.
chris perra
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Re: Anyone have one of these thrones?

Postby chris perra » Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:54 pm

If I were an internet doctor I wouldn't have to go see one when I'm all messed up ha ha..

Therapists are great for muscles,.. Which is the root of our problems, over time with our shitty drumming posture the muscles and tendons grow uneven lengths, which cause our deformation haha..

Just going to a chiro won't fix you,, stretching and changing how you do things long term is the best chance at recovery for sure..

For me if I hurt my back so I can't walk... a chiro will put stuff back into place and then physio and traction to rehab the muscles.

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