Looking For a Mentor

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Joined: Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:39 am

Re: Looking For a Mentor

Postby JayD » Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:46 am

I'll chime in on the mentor thing for a sec:

I was working in a drum store in Vancouver, Canada when one of my fave drummers- Charlie "Chalo" Quintana walked in. I loved his playing on Izzy Stradlin's record with the Juju Hounds and recognized him from a Paiste ad in MD. I asked him if I could take him out for a beer sometime so I could pick his brain- we're still close friends like 17 years later and he has been my mentor in many many ways- from the biz to playing and beyond. It's never been about lessons, although we've discussed playing often...

He's been a true mentor in every sense... Helped me with contacts, with gigs every now and again.... I consider him family and my career would not be what it is without him.

Don't know if this will help- just saying that mentoring is a natural thing---- Look at Jeff and Curt!!!

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