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Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:39 am
by Tom Reschke
I liked it. Bruner plays, and can play some stuff that I'll never be able to do. And going for it in a live situation is what I love about live music. Yes, he dropped a beat in the beginning, but that's acceptable in a live context. I get off on seeing that type of stuff. How the players react and respond to a mistake is what's satisfying to me as an audience member, it doesn't feel like a Broadway show where everyone is just sticking to their part and that's that.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:47 am
by BrOliveira
Craped big time on this one:

At this level, I believe you should be prepared to take a gig. Or else, just don't.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:39 am
by Matus
Not as bad as I expected by your reaction! :) However, I see the same problem here: dynamics and playing with what's going on. He held it in the same place for the whole bass solo and then, right at the beginning of Allan's solo, he was all over the place with a ride cymbal that basically buries the rest of the band. I simply don't get it.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 11:31 am
Tom Reschke wrote:Yes, he dropped a beat in the beginning, but that's acceptable in a live context.

He didn't drop a beat. He displaced the accent and threw off his band mates. Either that, or he did drop a beat, realized it, and quickly saved it (albeit in a disjointed way).

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:00 pm
by Matus
Actually, he did drop a beat. Went for the displacement and skipped a note. AH kept going.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:30 pm
by Patrick Tiglao
I dunno.....I liked it...yeah there were some spots in "Fred" that were a little bit too much.....But I dig what Bruner is doing,because he is fearless about the music....From what I gather Allan digs it too!!

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:52 pm
by Rodge
For me not mistake from Ron, and I liked that fill.

PS : that clip has been sent to me some month ago by the one and only DC, I think it means that he enjoyed that performance very much, I like the fact the heavy weight are still into drums and are aware about new talent coming.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:56 pm
by Kurtis
power singles from hell. love it and bring it. nothing like having machine gun singles at your disposal.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:16 pm
by Andrew<3'sVinnie
Regarding that fill, it sounds like he was going for a fill that ended on the 'e.' But he sorta lost his balance and didn't return to the groove perfectly in time, but not imperfect enough to have been considered a beat drop or completely out of time. I think he just lost his concentration a bit because he surprised himself with that fill. But the fill I digged a lot.

Re: Bruner with Holdsworth (Dan Quayle Edition)

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 2:49 am
by Matus
While I dig the idea and it's not as "in your face" dynamically as some other stuff he's doing, he returned to the groove completely out. Am I really the only one hearing he's an 8th note ahead? I mean, I do get this stuff, I like doing it when it's fitting, but if you actually count along, the fill is perfect (the taste behind it would be a whole different discussion) but he comes back an 8th note ahead, cristal clear.
All that said, I'm no one to bash Mr Bruner, he's rightfully earned his place to that gig and I'm sure AH knows what makes a great drummer. I'm just pointing out my issues with that kind of playing, no disrespect intended to gospely players. I just can't hear that stuff and enjoy the music because it's always like "HEY! I'M RIGHT HERE!", either with fills or simple grooves. The way the beat is being pushed all the time just takes me out of the tune.