OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

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OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

Postby Ardent15 » Wed Dec 07, 2011 4:44 pm

I was reflecting on the fact that, relative to the general population, there are really not that many professional musicians,in the United States.

Take a look at this:

The total number of musicians employed at musical "establishments" (presumably, studios, labels, etc.) in the US is 41,000.

As for the total number of professional musicians in the US:

Musicians, singers, and related workers held about 240,000 jobs in 2008, of which 186,400 were held by musicians and singers; 53,600 were music directors and composers. Around 43 percent worked part time; 50 percent were self-employed. Many found jobs in cities in which entertainment and recording activities are concentrated, such as New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Chicago, and Nashville.


Out of 150 million+people in the US labor force, around 1/6 of 1% held a job as a musician in 2008.

Rather sobering, no?
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Re: OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

Postby Riddim » Wed Dec 07, 2011 10:17 pm

And far fewer of those, I'm guessing, are able to support themselves solely by their musical endeavors.
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Isaac Lee
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Re: OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

Postby Isaac Lee » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:03 am

And far fewer of those, I'm guessing, are able to support themselves solely by their musical endeavors.

I am, because I have no girlfriend/wife to support (or kids) and I share half a living room, and I have no life other then drumming. My favorite thing is being able to wake up, make coffee and a bomb ass breakfast, then go practice all day. HAHA! Winning!! Loving LA!!!!
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Re: OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

Postby funkydrummer » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:05 am

Isaac Lee wrote:
And far fewer of those, I'm guessing, are able to support themselves solely by their musical endeavors.

I am, because I have no girlfriend/wife to support (or kids) and I share half a living room, and I have no life other then drumming. My favorite thing is being able to wake up, make coffee and a bomb ass breakfast, then go practice all day. HAHA! Winning!! Loving LA!!!!

Same here! I have very minimal expenses, so it allows me to really focusing on playing and networking. It's a very fortunate thing, and I never lose sight of that.
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Re: OT: Number of professional musicians in the US

Postby Josiah » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:35 am

That's very hard to say. The census is INCREDIBLY off... I didn't fill mine out this year for instance. Or my GF. Or anyone I know for that matter.

I know for a fact I am not counted in that number (of professional musicians), and for the same reason I am not, many others are not as well. Most of my income is off the grid, and 100% of my work for studios, churches, etc is as a contractor (1099) or cash - meaning totally invisible. My private teaching is cash as well, completely off the grid. When I work for schools they use a stipend pay out of the department to me as a sub-contractor.

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