Carlock moves to Grestch

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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby james » Tue Feb 07, 2012 11:36 am

Rodge wrote:
Josiah wrote:
Johnny D wrote:Ok, that’s enough from the “drum industry sheriff”. And I’m not on drugs… just really strong coffee :P

Best regards to all,

John P. DeChristopher

Appreciate the post.

To clarify, you are stating that a company like Zildjian, in no way reimburses artists on it's roster for expenses or provides services or products free of cost?

Find it hard to believe Steve Gadd went out of pocket for his meals while on a 3 month clinic tour for Zildjian.... just saying seems there is some serious splitting of hairs concerning what is "paying" someone and otherwise. Just like colleges don't pay their football players right?

Maybe you aren't writing a check for cash, but 5 digits in cymbals and sticks for free every year though, expense accounts, etc. That level of "support" is effectively paying an artist.

What about how companies charge more for "signature" products? You're saying the name sake artist of that product doesn't get even a small percentage of that?

I get royalties off some piddly dink commercial I did years ago, but I have a signature drum stick sold world wide with a company like Zildjian, and I don't get a dime from that?

More to the point, Jo Graphic Designer, in the advertising department is being paid, by the hour, to create and design the advertisement media but the actual people in the content of the advertisements aren't getting a dime? Come on...

Nothing in this world is free, and that includes using the name sake and images of famous musicians. You might be paying people with product instead of cash in most cases, but at that point it's just semantics of the word pay.

Ok Josiah, what do you want man ? Peter Erskine came in, John DeChristopher came in, what do you want to know ? Keep your thouht if you want, but come on man, I think that it's ok now.

I'm kinda with Josiah on this one. It's really hard to believe that there are no financial incentives for being with a particular company whether it be for actually $$ or goods & services. I don't see the difference between Vinnie selling sticks made with his signature and Kobe selling shoes for Nike with his signature. Johnny D said it's fantasy to think companies pay artists to use their image in ads. to me it seems the opposite is true. why in the world would anyone let a company profit from the use of their name & image without any form of pay?? that seems more fantasy to me.
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby DSOP » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:30 pm

james wrote:why in the world would anyone let a company profit from the use of their name & image without any form of pay?? that seems more fantasy to me.

Why in the world do musicians perform for free, or very little money, every day and night?
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby james » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:54 pm

DSOP wrote:
james wrote:why in the world would anyone let a company profit from the use of their name & image without any form of pay?? that seems more fantasy to me.

Why in the world do musicians perform for free, or very little money, every day and night?

that's not even close. might want to try again on that one.
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby DSOP » Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:07 pm

james wrote:that's not even close. might want to try again on that one.

True. It's even more absurd. At least with an endorsement, you get some gear and support.
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby chris perra » Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:20 pm

I have no personal experience per say.. But of the players I know that are endorsed.. They do it for support..
they don't need to worry about getting gear anywhere...

Now if you have a signature line of something.. you get a cut for your name being used...
But if they book a clinic tour.... You're getting payed for the clinics not for you name on the side of the bus..

For alot ofwell known a list drummers... the clinic tours fill in the gaps of touring and recording dates.. Or sometimes they have a one off in a city somewhere and want to make some extra dough... The "Endorser" (for DSP..... haha) companies can and do try to fill in holes for them..

They do what they can.. Of those that work in retail.. think about how much profit margin there is on a kit... Not much.. 30% tops on alot of drum stuff..
More on cymbals and hardware...

How many of you Vinnie, Weckl, Jojo or Gadd lovers bought a Vinnie signature kit or a kit associated with them because you saw a clinic of theirs?
It does have some influence.. but for me not a huge factor
I don't think when you crunch the numbers there's alot of room to pay guys for their names.. It's more about cross promotion and symbiotic relationships..

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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby Matus » Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:59 am

The main Point, Josiah, is that you earlier pictured it as if companies actually paid drummers money just for being on their roster and that's not the case. Everyone already said artists get different ammounts of gear, support benefits, clinic dates (which aren't always paid 100% by the company, might I add), merchandise or even image rights for ads/signature products/whatever. That's way different from Kobe, who not only will get his % out of every pair of shoes, but will also get paid a large ammount of money just for using them and doing the ad.
Let's picture a scenario in which artist A plays Brand X, gets his kits for free and a high level of support but the company doesn't really have a clear advertisement impact or a high clinic presence. Then comes along, say brand P, who will also give him free gear, far better worldwide coverage, a massive number of clinics (worldwide) and first thing they do is give him a full page ad on the first pages of Modern Drummer mag. He's sure getting a benefit out of it, but not "being paid".
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby groober » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:24 am

Well I'm done hearing about all this endorsement stiuffen ! Very kind of some experienced folk to chime in and set the record straight.
How do those babies sound any one heard him live yet ? (Bet they sound like his old yammies) but er let's talk Drums not hair pickin ...Dagnannit
Wonder if he's using Yammie hardware or the other stuff ...
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby DSOP » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:40 am

I think Carlock uses and endorses DW pedals, so maybe he'll use DW stands too. I think Gretsch is coming out with all new hardware next year, instead of just giving up on it and handing off to Gibralter.
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby groober » Wed Feb 08, 2012 12:13 pm

DSOP wrote:I think Carlock uses and endorses DW pedals, so maybe he'll use DW stands too. I think Gretsch is coming out with all new hardware next year, instead of just giving up on it and handing off to Gibralter.

Cool ! not dissing Gibraltar but ... would love to see what Gretsch brings to the table. Lightweight and sturdy sounds good to me. I love some of the aluminum hardware that's been around as well as some of the lightweight DW stands the Peter uses. Any thing to keep that ol spine in shape ...
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Re: Carlock moves to Grestch

Postby Henry II » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:30 pm

DSOP wrote:Image

Dang! Is that Carlock? I wouldn't have recognized him. He might have let the weight loss go a bit too far.
Ok, ok! My real name is Go F. Yourself Facebook, III

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