Buying a used Mac

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Buying a used Mac

Postby nomsgmusic » Fri Oct 18, 2013 6:22 pm

There seems to be a good deal of high tech guys here, so I figured I would throw this topic out there.

I need a new computer, and I'm NOT made out of money. I have always been a Mac guy (so let's not get into the Mac vs. PC thing.)

A pretty good friend of mine has a used Macbook Pro (actually VERY close, if not identical, to the one in this ad)
but my friend's is maxed out ram wise etc...) They would sell me theirs for what a website like powermax would buy it from them (around $500.) They also have a spare battery, carrying case software, lots of bells and whistles, etc... They will of course have the hard drive wiped clean etc (they are much more high tech than I) They used this for a home graphics business, and just upgraded.

It isn't a trust thing with me! But my question is this...

What is the upside or downside to this type of purchase. And how "outdated" is this Mac? (By the way, I'm presently still using a "slow" G4, that has treated me very well!) My potential uses? Light recording (maybe more recording, who knows?) itunes, upload and edit some video from my zoom, home business stuff, writing, and the other standard typical musician stuff. No gaming!!!! And besides the potential of using this for recording, nothing that I would call "heavy duty."
Will I have a hard time getting (mostly music) software for this?
Any issues with upgrades or itunes with 10.5.8?
Are there any "inherent" problems with these laptops?


BIG Thanks for any advice,
jean krupa
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby jean krupa » Sat Oct 19, 2013 5:50 am

Hi Mark
I would advise to buy new, not used.
I say that because you never know who partially at the big Mac you are
considering buying. When McDonald's runs their little sale on big macs,
they are only $2.00 and any size soda will only cost $1.
So, for $3.00, you can get a new MAC and soda.

Hope that helps.
Jim Richman
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GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Jim Richman » Sat Oct 19, 2013 6:26 am

I am using an imac and a macbook from 2006. Both work fine. I would get the pro for 500. Big difference from a new one, which will run you over double or triple the price. My laptop is 1.83 ghz duo(which maxes out at 10.6 osx) I have one gig of ram and I record 13 tracks of drums at a time with and old Motu 828mk2 and a Presonus Digimax. Although my battery is dead. lol

Your laptop is a duo 2 which can be upgraded OSX to the present.
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby DeeP_FRieD » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:42 am

Get yourself a hackintosh.

Buy a new pc laptop and put osx on it. You'll save a sh*t-load of money on the hardware by not buying apple and if anything breaks, replacement parts are available and affordable.
Julián Fernández
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby Julián Fernández » Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:25 pm

Hackintosh are not that much cheaper... Get a MacMini. You can get an i5 with 8gb for around 550 bucks and you´ll have everything you may need...
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby sejuba » Sun Oct 20, 2013 6:23 am

I own a Hackintosh and both Julian and Deep Fried are right depending which route you take. IF you´re gonna buy a laptop computer, than a Hackintosh will be just as expensive (and not worth the hassle). On the other hand, if you settle for a desktop computer, don´t even think twice...get a Hackintosh because you will save A LOT of money. I have a Duocore E8500 (intel) with 4 gigs of ram and 2 500hd hard drives with Mac Os X running Pro Tools 9HD. This computer has worked perfectly from the day I transformed it into a Hackintosh. I´ve had it for nearly 4 years now.

As for the original Mac Book Pro your friend is selling... I´d be tempted. 500 bucks is worth it if the thing is working fine and cosmetically in good condition.
Will he let you borrow it for a day ? Take it for a spin...
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby james » Sun Oct 20, 2013 2:09 pm

I would recommend against it. Core 2 duo's are already fairly old now. You may enjoy the slight speed bump from your current G4 but it's going to start feeling sluggish very fast. There are plenty of mb pro's on craigslist with i5 processors for around $500-600. I'd say spend a bit more and get a mac with at least an i5 which is much faster than any C2Duo.
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby nomsgmusic » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:29 pm

Firstly BIG thanks for the advice so far, and please keep it coming!

Upon looking into the world of "hackintosh," I don't think I'm that kind of guy. I'll cite learning curve, the aspect of trial and error, hassle, no time to research, the idea of lack of support, and the daunting aspect of building or configuring a computer, etc. as my reasons. I have all the respect for the guys that can do that stuff, I'm just not one of them. Thanks though (I never knew what a Hackintosh was, so I learned something.) Remember I said, I'm not particularly "hi tech."

Julian, The i5 is something that I'll look into.

Sejuba, it is in GREAT shape, and I can "take it for a spin." What types of things should I look out for, or do when I take it out for a spin???

Jean, I can read between the lines, and definitely hear where you're coming from.

Jim, Your explanation is what drove me to considering this choice. I record in lots of studios that aren't running the newest systems and don't seem to have any problems.

Keep this in mind I have NO interest in the "keeping up with the Jones'" aspect of "speed," I don't care if there is faster machines out there. I know that 6 months after you buy any computer there is always something MUCH better available. (As a drum example I am still using my Yamaha Tour Customs, and my SSB Gretsch's) Back to computers, I don't care if there is something "faster" I just want to be able to do (what I asked abut in the OP) without any problems.

If I do get this laptop, am I setting myself up for any foreseen problems?

Besides "less speed," is there anything that I really won't be able to "do" or "support" on the "proposed" MacBook Pro 2.53GHz Core 2 Duo running 10.5.8 ? And are these reliable laptops? I have heard about concerns regarding battery life, but this person has a spare battery, sooo?

Also keep in mind I am a "mac guy" as I have always worked on Macs and have never had a problem with any of my own Macs (sorry if that offends some of you, or doesn't make sense to others.)

Please keep the advice coming, I'm listening!
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Lucas Ives
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby Lucas Ives » Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:11 pm

The biggest bang for your performance buck will be replacing the hard drive with an SSD. And you can always replace the battery if it's outside of its useful lifespan.
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Paul Marangoni
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Re: Buying a used Mac

Postby Paul Marangoni » Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:45 pm

How easy are those Macs to open up and swap out the drive? Would he have to go to a Mac Store to get it done? Solid state hard-drives are great, but pretty expensive right now. I think they only go as big as 512 right now Gigabyte too.

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