Quarter life crisis, anyone?

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Re: Quarter life crisis, anyone?

Postby willyz » Tue Feb 18, 2014 8:24 pm

Hey Gang,

Quick update- thanks for the contributions to the discussion and great advice!

Still looking for work- did the math and it turns out I can make more from unemployment than working at Guitar Center, so that's my next step. Unfortunately, most everyone I've spoken to knows someone that was laid of at the start of the year in the state of California. Could be a coincidence and probably is- consequently, the unemployment office is very difficult to get a hold of and I'm going to need to just get myself down to the office in person and deal with the wait (such a petty thing, I know). Had a little freelance runner/PA work for a post-production company that I've been with for at least a year now, but it's only been three or four shifts in the past three weeks since I was laid off. Here's hoping that they'll need another full timer!

Have sent out a LOT of applications (I think I've done at least 150 at this point), not many responses (or rejections, for that matter, yet), but yes- trying to be relentless and have a couple versions of the resume I've been sending out depending on the job I'm applying for.

Been thinking about drumming too, and what I want to do with that. At this point in my life and planning my future (I feel) that it's too risky to put all my eggs in that basket but am looking into/thinking about how to make some money from that. If/when I get income again I'll consider a teaching practice again (lockout?) and I'm putting together some ideas for the working-band/weekend warrior/bar band/wedding band/whatever-you-want-to-call it sort of thing that I'd like to try and build from the ground up and trying to do some networking with the managers/owners at some the joints I was hanging at in the valley to try and get some potential gigs.

I don't know- trying not to beat myself up over things I can't control and trying to be realistic about what I can control. That's all I've got for now! Onward & upward!

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Re: Quarter life crisis, anyone?

Postby Rhythmatist » Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:56 pm

willyz wrote:
I don't know- trying not to beat myself up over things I can't control and trying to be realistic about what I can control. That's all I've got for now! Onward & upward!

Right there, you have a pretty good job search philosophy. This shit's gonna test you big time. Don't let any of the negative aspects get to you. Just realize you will bring something special to somebody's table eventually. It took me a year before I scored a contract gig...was supposed to be 6 months and I ended up there for 3 years until I got the job I'm in now. Yes, there will be rejections but more often than not you simply won't get any response. That's just how business works today. Just keep moving forward and keep yourself organized.

Oh, and here's a little trick I learned when dealing with headhunters. You want to remain on their radar so when you are called and you go through a whole agonizing process of interviews and applications and getting that call from the headhunter that the client hired someone else...ask him/her what other positions they are trying to fill. Tell them you might have a couple of contacts in your personal network that might be interested or know someone else who might be interested. And, if you can actually throw a couple names their way (make sure you get your contact's permission to do this first) the headhunters will be more likely to keep you at the top of their list for any future openings that match your skill set. I actually had a few that would call me from time to time just to see how things were going and to let me know they had my back. That's kind of how I got the contract job...I was the first person he thought of when the position came across his desk.

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