weird requests

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weird requests

Postby mcraeh » Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:55 am

Anyone experience this? I play in a progressive rock band, not by choice but the guitar player is a good friend. Anyway, we have found a bass player, he seems to be pretty good but the guy calls me out on changes he would like to songs we have already written. I'm all for change but all of them require extreme changes and sometimes completely depart from what the guitar player is playing and sometimes are time changes to an already odd time. Last night it was a simple part that's in 4, but with one measure of 7. that measure of 7 is where he wanted to change a part, however what he was wanting to do put the 1 or downbeat in the wrong place, which makes the next bar sound shitty. its all fine with me, but is really making me look a dumbass. I am one to usually not stray too much from the pocket. He also turns down alot I have noticed when he doesn't know his part btw. Venting a little, sorry!!
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Re: weird requests

Postby Cymbalfeltfetishist » Thu Nov 19, 2015 9:28 am

Have we ever worked out parts for songs? well, yes. Experience tells us that everyone hears music differently and it can clash. If the bass player is paying you and you are a hired gun, do what he says. If not, try to be helpful and work it out, and if it doesn't work, try something else. If you don't agree with his idea, explain why..."it breaks up the groove too much to my ears...." something like that. Sometimes guys don't get what they hear in their head until they actually hear you play it. He might understand it doesn't work after he hears it - then you move on to try something else. Sometimes guys have no idea what they want to hear, so you have to tell them what to hear ha ha.... Sometimes it a personality thing. Its a have to be persuasive with certain types. The bottom line is, be workable and try things that you might not agree with...who knows - they may have actual good ideas or approaches. Be positive. I think if the idea is too quirky - it will come into the light with the whole band and you can get your way. After all, its for the good of the band at the end of the day.
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Re: weird requests

Postby mcraeh » Thu Nov 19, 2015 11:31 am

yep, agreed. thx
Jim Richman
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Re: weird requests

Postby Jim Richman » Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:13 pm

Quit, you already said it's not by choice. You sound like you do not want to be there.
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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: weird requests

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:13 am

Just show him who's the boss.

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Re: weird requests

Postby mcraeh » Tue Nov 24, 2015 6:43 am

ha, well it keeps me challenged with all the times changes and arrangements and i don't know anyone anymore except guys in my hood, who are just at very basic levels. its just this guy throws such weird things at me and i take it personal as i want to get everything!! which of course is not the real world. im thinking he should get the song down first!! that may be his way of deflecting that!! who knows! thx guys!

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