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"Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:19 am
by drumdawg
Hello drum community. Hope this finds you all well. So I've been wrestling with an issue for over a year now. I've got a 2012 macbook pro running Logic pro x, (happens with Garage Band too) I have tried almost ever thing under the sun, but still get the "Disc too slow or system overload" error message when tracking live drums. But Here's the kicker, it's only if i play loud... I can track all day with out issue, but as soon as i play a chorus type section (crash ride on the right side of kit), this error message pops up.
Has anyone ever experienced this? Again, I've tried all the common thread suggestions and I know multiple people who have my exact set up who's never experienced this. Just hoping to get lucky and find someone who's actually experienced this and won the battle.
Thanks, Sammy J

Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 1.11.31 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-03-09 at 1.11.31 PM.png (355.13 KiB) Viewed 8254 times

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 8:53 am
by Paul Marangoni

If they can't help you, nobody can.

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 9:58 am
by langmick
2012 macbook pro

Hmm...I think that there's your problem.

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:08 am
by Odd-Arne Oseberg
I reckon you've heard about cat years and dog years.

Mac years are 20 to 1 human year.

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:01 pm
by Terry Branam
Hey Sammy,

Maybe try adjusting your buffer settings and/or freeze some tracks. Also, watch out for running too many plugins within your project - especially when tracking.

This could help:

Good luck!

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:02 am
by drumdawg
Thanks for the reply(s)

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 8:37 am
by Paul Marangoni
drumdawg wrote:Here's the kicker, it's only if i play loud...

That tells me that it's probably triggered by your compressor or limiter. As soon as the compressor/limiter kicks in, your system's CPU or RAM is taxed, and the program chokes. Try recording without any compression or limiting and see what happens.

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:34 am
by Julián Fernández
Disable wifi and see if that helps too...

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:04 pm
by drumdawg
I never track with compression or any plugin on, I have a template that is bare bones. I track with 5 mics and drop and drag mp3's of scratch guitar tracks now and then. The screen shot i posted was a session i opened randomly just to get the error message to happen for posting purposes. Again I've tried pretty most of the common thread remedies. I've had multiple engineer/gear heads mess with all the setting both Logic and mac. My recent attempt was disabling the HD's sudden motion sensor with out luc. As for the cat/dog years and such, I've been told 2012 is the magic year for these units and for what i want to do. Again I have multiple friends with the same set up but with out the problems. I think I will sell my unit and just try again. Thanks again peeps.

Re: "Disc too slow or System Overload" *Logic Pro X

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:29 am
by Rudy_Ment
Faulty RAM, CPU or harddrive maybe? Might be worth running a system check to make sure all vital hardware is ok. Perhaps try installing DAW to a different hard drive, ideally SSD, internal or external, to see if it makes any difference.