Introducing my book, my website

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Introducing my book, my website

Postby DrummingPatterns » Tue Jun 08, 2021 2:10 pm

Hi, my name's Chuck Braman, and I'm a jazz drummer from New York City.

Many years ago, in the late 1980s, I spent 3-years writing and self-publishing a 176-page book on rhythm and drum technique called Drumming Patterns.

At the time, the book was well-reviewed in magazines such as Modern Drummer and Downbeat and received strong endorsements from Louie Bellson, Jim Chapin, Ed Soph, and others.

However, because I moved to New York shortly after printing the book and became immersed in survival, I never promoted the book properly and it never found the audience that I believe it deserves.

My goal last year during the lockdown was to finally design and develop a great e-commerce website for the book and promote it properly. As part of this process, I recreated all of the original files to be able to make the chapters available as free and paid downloads; created a 20-minute long animated video to explain the concept behind the book and compare and contrast that concept to the rudiments and Stick Control; and created a blog where I've made available for free probably close to a hundred transcriptions of the intricate time-keeping of jazz drummers such as Roy Haynes and Paul Motian. There are also two lengthy interviews I made with Paul on the blog that some fans of his are likely already familiar with.

I'm new to this forum, and I would value and appreciate any feedback any members might be willing to share regarding the site and its content. I also hope that the community might find value in it. There is quite a lot on the site that is downloadable for free, including the first 23-pages of the book.

You can find it at
Chuck Braman, author, Drumming Patterns
Posts: 1545
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2010 2:42 am
Location: Bordeaux/France.

Re: Introducing my book, my website

Postby Rodge » Wed Jun 09, 2021 12:02 am

I'm always a little bit, circonspect, when someone comes here for the 1st time and start by trying to sale/promote "himself", this is a lil' weird right ?

Anyway, welcome on HoD and good luck on your goal, we're very cool supportive people here despite what I said above. :-)
I come from Tain, Vinnie, Omar, Jeff, Fish, Stewart, and many more...

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