Blushda (and apology)

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Old Pit Guy
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby Old Pit Guy » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:10 pm

Frank Sanchez wrote:This guy has to be a troll...At least I hope that's the case

That or

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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby dwdrummer » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:23 pm

Old Pit Guy wrote:
Frank Sanchez wrote:This guy has to be a troll...At least I hope that's the case

That or


Proving my point and keeping this thread at the top of the board. That's a double whammy!
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby dwdrummer » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:27 pm

chris perra wrote:You're right about us not being their primary target market,.. But young people check out this forum as well.... Baiting/Picking fights on a thread you created doesn't put you in a great light, and that's not being a great role model or ambassador to younger drummers..

It appears,.. to me anyway,... you have a bone to pick with HOD,... and for some reason want to win us over.... You don't need to, none of us really care too much about any of this.. Open flam closed flam blah blah blah.. whatever, This is a forum where guys will have huge threads arguing whether or not Vinnie can swing... and how some guys don't like this guy or that guy...

It's really just a hang.. we just shoot the shit and exchange ideas and drummers we dig or not dig,.. It's not that serious. Quite often some of the best drummers in the world get picked apart by HOD,.. You should feel honored to be in their company as your hard work and dedication to your career has put you in the same circle of conversation.. But don't get bent out of shape and try to win HOD over.. You can't,. no one here really cares that much...

Best of luck to you.. Keep up the good work with your Vids...

Now that was an awesome post. I'll shoot you a call in the morning :)
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby cjbdrm » Sat Jun 18, 2011 10:36 pm

Old Pit Guy wrote:
Frank Sanchez wrote:This guy has to be a troll...At least I hope that's the case

That or


This reminds me of a lot of musicians AND HOD members: ... re#t=2m55s

LOL :mrgreen:
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby MrGroover » Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:47 pm

Wow Wow

Man...I don't post here very often and I've been a HOD member for so many years but I never heard something like this!!!!!
I wanted to say so many things but I really don't want to start a whole battle here so, let me just say a few things;

First of all...Mike, I have nothing against you but that kind of behavior is unacceptable here. I really don't care if you offend me or somebody else but, if you talk shit like that towards the whole HOD community and SPECIALLY to my good friend Steve Holmes, who created this forum simply with the idea to show his passion for drumming, NOT to PROMOTE HIMSELF AND MAKE MONEY WITH HIGH QUALITY HIGH SCHOOL CORNY DRUM INSTRUCTION are not welcome here!

The problem that we have here w/ you is not really about the Blushda or how "funny" your jokes about how you approach to this forum. You are not a regular member here, you don't post comments here and there, you only come here to promote yourself and that's not what this forum is all about. We have high class drummers here that actually made a difference in a MUSIC business and they come here off and on to share their experiences and their thoughts. And how about you? What have you done musically speaking so you can share w/ us???

If you come here to demonstrate how good, creative, funny, talented, you are...I think you came to the wrong place. I live in LA so, If I really want to hear a real musician playing first of all MUSIC and PLAYING his ass off...I will just go down at the Baked Potato or any jazz club in town and I'm sure I will LEARN and enjoy much more the performance than watching some high quality hollywood wanna be instructional drum videos.

If you don't like what you hear...well grow up, suck it, and move on!!! Welcome to the Internet or better yet Welcome to the Real World!!!! That's the price you pay once you expose yourself like that!!! People will always talk negative things, behind your back, no matter how good or bad you are...that's just common human behavior!!!!

And to leave your phone # so people can call you to "discuss" I mean...c'mon old are you? Still in high school?
I am sorry dude but that's so pathetic of you!!! That's shows how immature you are and actually you lost all my credibility towards you after that.

I mean...If you really believe what you are doing is right...keep going man!!!
If that's what you love and you are having lots of fun doing it...I support you 100% and I wish you the best!! I do believe you are doing a good job by sharing those information to the young drummers but...don't go to places expecting people to praise you all the time!!! I personally know many WELL KNOWN musicians, including drummers, and you will be amazed how much negative things you hear about them inside the music industry they really care about it??? NO!!! You know why? Because their playing and specially their MUSIC HISTORY speak for themselves.

So, my point is...if you offend Steve, you are actually offending me and the majority here so, if you don't like this place...simply don't come anymore!

Good luck,

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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby Steve Holmes » Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:01 am

dwdrummer wrote:
Your cute, lol...

..Knowing that you'll be up all knight...


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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby Yussuf » Sun Jun 19, 2011 2:05 am

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Tom Reschke
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby Tom Reschke » Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:23 am

I watched the video and thought it was good. The way Mike plays the lick sounds more staccato than the way that I've always played it, and that's what I dug about it. Just a little bit different enough of an interpretation to warrant a new look at an old friend (I like the idea of the two bass drum/cymbal notes in a row). Kudos!

But after I read down this thread, I don't know what to think. The posts from Mike seem fairly out of character for him (from what very little I know of Mike). Let it go, man. If you are doing as well as you seem to be doing (and claim to be), then there really is no reason to respond to any negativity directed your way with thinly veiled sarcasm, passive-aggressiveness, or downright rudeness. The way you've handled yourself here has alienated you from, what I would assume to be, the vast majority of guys on this board who wish you nothing but the best. That doesn't seem to matter to you after reading your comments, and that's fine. You'll likely not lose any students or revenue from this one little thread. But you have lost respect. And respect is tougher to earn than dollars, endorsements, or chops. Personally, to attain a level of respect from your peers, both as a drummer and as a person, is one of my goals in life. Steve has it, Rodge and the rest of the amazing pros on this board have it, and before you began exhibiting such petulant behavior, you had it too (at least from me). That seems sad to me, but again, you probably don't care. So, continued success and luck to you.

Moderation's all well and good, just don't overdo it.
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Lucas Ives
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby Lucas Ives » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:55 am

^^^^^^^^^^ this.

wow, this thread went left in a hurry.
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Re: Blushda Alert

Postby dwdrummer » Sun Jun 19, 2011 7:42 am

This is the last post on this topic, it has gotten pretty out of control in a hurry, lol. Even if I don't see eye to eye with the creator of this amazing forum it doesn't mean that I don't respect the HELL out of what he has done with this site and his amazing skills on the instrument. They far exceed mine, as do most of you.

I have spent 5 years doing nothing but trying to get the online drum community as a whole be kinder and more supportive to each other so obliviously this whole thread is a bit out of character for me. Anyone that constantly tells you that they don't care what other people think about them obviously cares very much about what other people think about them. I won't even pretend to be above that simple flaw.

The last thing this amazing forum needs is some young punk telling them how to do "The Blushda". Keep doing what you guys do, I will stay out of your way, and I seriously apologize for all of the negativity that this thread brought to HOD.

Mike Johnston
(916) 276-2980

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