Gibson raid

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Re: Gibson raid

Postby langmick » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:28 pm

Yes they do. Gibson is a big corporation however...

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Re: Gibson raid

Postby DSOP » Thu Sep 01, 2011 5:32 pm

langmick wrote:Yes they do. Gibson is a big corporation however...

Apparently not big enough. Or someone within the corporation pissed off someone at a bigger corporation. Or... I dunno... I got nuthin'....
circh bustom
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby circh bustom » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:46 pm

Gibson is a big corporation yes, but i doubt they are the type of big corp that the govt can regularly come and take a piece of, nor do they have high ranking politicians sitting on their board of directors, as there is on say Haliburton.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby Miki C. » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:34 pm

interesting , apparently gibson CEO is a big GOP donor

also worth mentioning gibson is non unionized in a right to work state, We see what the NLRB is doing to boeing's SC plant for being non union, this is something right out of a george orwell nightmare ... cTCrC217jg

Some may still be perplexed as to why, exactly, the Obama administration would focus so much energy on raiding Gibson Guitars; Gibson’s biggest competitior, C.F. Martin & Company, sources their materials from the exact same locations and companies as Gibson; they use the same processing and labor procedures; The Lacey Act being used as justification for the raid is intended to support foreign government’s labor laws, yet Gibson filed an official letter from the Indian government prolaiming that no law had been violated – so why isn’t C.F. Martin feeling any heat from the federal government? The answer is rather simple: C.F. Martin & Company is a high-profile DNC donor, whereas Gibson Guitars donates heavily to Republican candidates.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby langmick » Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:14 am

There are no surprises here.

With all the eco-nazs running around in our government, this type of thing was bound to happen...and if the guy is one the "other side" all the better to destroy him, and send a message. Pure extortion. GE moves all it's manufacturing of XRay imaging to China, no big deal...but they paid the big man off.

Our government is massive, they need to show they are doing stuff, this is the result.

The effects of this kind of economic intrusion won't be felt immediately...I just finished two books on the current conditions in North Korea...I pray these morons don't drive us to the insanity of a centrally planned command economy, but it looks like we will have to figure this out on our own.

Hope and change. Or is it change and hope? We got it backwards.

What was 2112 about again? Damn, Neil was a prophet!
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby robhaerr » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:19 am

It's possible that Ron Paul would put a stop to this non-sense.

Sorry...had to interject...I have been watching and discussing this story with other friends on Facebook.

This is just weird.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby Josiah » Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:27 am

this is actually the second time Gibson has been busted for this kind of thing. they got nailed a few years back for pulling off limits wood out of south america.

given that MANY companies use woods from India, furniture companies for instance, my guess would be that Gibson got caught doing something wrong, for the second time.

there is a long list of companies that use exotic woods from all over the world that dont have these issues. i doubt somebody is just picking on Gibson just to pick on them. and i doubt it has anything to do with the president or which party may or may not have the illusion of current power.
the likely story is, they indeed were doing something wrong and got caught. Gibson is a massive corporation and i have zero doubt they do things to cut every corner imaginable.

assuredly their books are about as dirty as every other corporation , they all do stuff, its just occasionally they get caught. just like i doubt any of us report our music incomes 100% honestly, it factors up big time for multi-million dollar companies. they dont get that big from playing by the rules. nobody does. from tax shelters to paying off some forestry workers, its far more likely they got caught (AGAIN) messing around then some sort of "eco-nazi-conspiracy" against 1 of many guitar companies.

i would even venture that they had people watching Gibson a lot more closely then other companies because of their previous offense in the same area.

on a related note, most these big name guitar companies are selling over priced junk based on their name anyway. i would never buy a gibson guitar, ever. not made in america (assembled in USA!), shabby workmanship, cheapest components and incredibly over priced. they built a big name, then ran with with. much like Fender. just check out Fender and Gibson guitars at GC sometime, the prices are a joke and the workmanship obviously questionable.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby DSOP » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:50 am

Josiah wrote:this is actually the second time Gibson has been busted for this kind of thing. they got nailed a few years back for pulling off limits wood out of south america.

Check your facts. Gibson has never been charged with ANY crime.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby Josiah » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:08 am

DSOP wrote:
Josiah wrote:this is actually the second time Gibson has been busted for this kind of thing. they got nailed a few years back for pulling off limits wood out of south america.

Check your facts. Gibson has never been charged with ANY crime.

check your reading skills. nobody said they were charged with a crime. people get busted all the time and no charges come of it.

when Federal officials are investigating you, something is going on. they don't just pick random companies out of a hat to go harass. if there had been no grounds for the investigation, Gibson wouldn't be cooperating, they would be suing.

" late 2009, Gibson facilities in Nashville were investigated by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service for allegedly violating the Lacey Act, a law requiring that all wood products and plants imported into the United States come from legal sources. On site, officials found rosewood from Madagascar- while acknowledging that we had in fact bought wood from Madagascar, Gibson absolutely and adamantly denies that it was illegal wood, as Gibson takes great pride in its conservation and wood sustainability efforts.

Gibson affirmatively believes that any wood we have obtained from Madagascar is in fact from legal sourcing. Gibson’s primary suppliers of rosewood and ebony provided assurances that what they sold to Gibson was legally harvested, obtained and sold to Gibson. The supplier of the wood is one of the largest wood suppliers in the world for instrument making and Gibson’s relationship with this supplier goes back many years and has a very firm foundation of trust and legitimacy.

As we look forward to a resoltion, Gibson continues to dilligently cooperate with the Department of Jusice on the investigation all the while strengthening our efforts of conversation and wood sustainably."

Bruce Mitchell
General Counsel
Gibson Guitar Corp.
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Re: Gibson raid

Postby cjbdrm » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:38 am

I see the federal government doing their job and Gibson playing the victim. It's all good marketing- no such thing as bad publicity.

Sure, I'd like to see the government's time and resources better spent on other more important things, but everyone's got a job to do...

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