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If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:42 pm
by jean krupa
Vinnie at his best on all tracks.
Reminds me of the best of Acts II and III
with 'Secrets' mixed in.

Doug Lunn Project, 2011

Got my copy @

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:03 pm
by deseipel

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 4:16 pm
by Riddim
Nice tunes, not just a shred fest.

Oh, and they play nicely too.

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:13 pm
by beat hit
I like this... Although I only hear the Act II, III influance in tracks "Dyslexia MangoI Nixon" and "Air Raid "...

Thanks for the heads up...

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 5:56 pm
by baht habit
jean krupa wrote:Vinnie at his best on all tracks.
Reminds me of the best of Acts II and III
with 'Secrets' mixed in.

Doug Lunn Project, 2011

Got my copy @

Good description. It surely is an interesting disc. I also hear the influence of some of Andy Summers' solo output on the gentler tracks. Perhaps not as melodic as Summers, but the textures sound similar to me.

Slightly off topic... but on the topic of Vinnie working on bassist's discs, has anyone else been digging Kermit Driscoll's Reveille with Vinnie and Bill Frisell? I personally think it is fantastic.

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:11 pm
by nomsgmusic
I have the Lunn CD, and really dig it!!!! I am hearing more of a comparison to John Beasley's "Surfacing" though, and I LOVE (!!!) that CD. I like Kermit's "Revellie" as well (although that one is still marinating in my ears.) I also hear the comparison to the Summers stuff. There is one Summers CD that Doug and Chad are on that is KILLIN! Herbie, Tavaglione, Bill Evans and other guests etc... RIDICULOUS!

This Lunn CD had me thinking back to the ONE (that I know of) and only time that Vinnie worked as a leader. Yamaha had a "drum day" in Japan, and Vinnie brought over Lunn and David Torn (I think?) It was before Vinnie had done his solo CD (etc.) I always wondered what that gig was like, and have never heard any reports or recordings of it. They also had Al Foster bring a band over too. I forget who the other drummers were though. Anybody?

I like Doug's musical "concept," he seems to "let" the music happen, allowing these huge soundscapes to just "evolve," and nothing feels forced. I'm a real sucker for GOOD fretless players, and Doug usually leaves a lot of space in his lines. He sounds really good on Chad Wackerman's DVD (basically just a live in the studio recording, with very minimal talk) with Doug and Mike Miller.

So, HUGE KUDO'S to Doug Lunn on "The Project!!!"

(Anyone have that "Soup" CD that Vinnie is on? What's it like?)

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:33 pm
nomsgmusic wrote:(Anyone have that "Soup" CD that Vinnie is on? What's it like?)

Re: If you liked ACTS II & III, you'll like....

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2011 7:50 am
by french toast
Sounds Great!