Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:28 pm

jem wrote:Why not a x14?

There's not really a why not. Just wondering how much difference people feel it makes, especially wide open.
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Dave Goodman
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Dave Goodman » Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:13 pm

I’ve never had a 20x14, so I can’t comment on it. I’ve loved the 20x16s I’ve owned previously though.

As far as 18” drums go, in some ways I’ve found 18x16 drums preferable in sound over 18x14 drums. But the shell make-up and mount fittings between the different drums I’ve used are completely different, and so it’s hard to tell with any real accuracy. My personal feeling is that the 18x14 is preferable for lugging and setting up because of its smaller size, and I predict that an 18x14 drum with the same shell make-up, heads, tuning, and mount fittings would be more or less indistinguishable from an 18x16 in a blindfold test. Both sound really cool anyway and I’d recommend going with the one you *like* more than the other. Hope this helps, Arne, and good luck. Love to know what you end up with :)

P.S. I was noticing as I typed (or tapped) this that I even love typing/tapping and reading the numbers in my preferred sizes. Very difficult to describe, but there’s a real satisfaction in processing the numbers. Do you get that too?!
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Riddim » Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:38 pm

Before you spend tons of money on a new kit, I'd look for a used kit. I'd also look for the best edge person in your area.

Once you get your drums, find someone with a granite table machined flat to within a few 10,000s of an inch. Do the edge trueness tests, before and after, on that. Your edge guy hopefully has one, or knows where to find someone who does. I'm guessing you'll find some that need work - no biggy, if you have a great edge person. Recut if needed.

This way you'll have something you can sell later if funds are needed, vs. a custom kit likely to have limited resale value.
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Riddim » Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:38 pm

Before you spend tons of money on a new kit, I'd look for a used kit. I'd also look for the best edge person in your area.

Once you get your drums, find someone with a granite table machined flat to within a few 10,000s of an inch. Do the edge trueness tests, before and after, on that. Your edge guy hopefully has one, or knows where to find someone who does. I'm guessing you'll find some that need work - no biggy, if you have a great edge person. Recut if needed.

This way you'll have something you can sell later if funds are needed, vs. a custom kit likely to have limited resale value.
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Wed Jul 04, 2018 4:09 am

I doubt it would be harder to sell than any other USA Custom. Main instrument won't be going aywhere unlness it's a dud.

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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby jem » Wed Jul 04, 2018 6:45 am

I'm no hard hitter and most of the things I do are "non-amplified", jazz, folk music etc. so what I say is in that context. I feel a x14 is more "controlled", more "direct", compare a rack tom with a floor tom. At the same time they sound great with a microphone, there is nothing lacking IMHO. I have two Gretsch USA Custom kits, with 18x14 and 22x14 BDs. I also have two Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kits (old series) with 20x14 & 22x14. The Gretsch USA Custom bass drums are awesome, and they also sound great from the player's seat. The Yamahas are also very good, but for acoustic jobs I prefer Gretsch, more "pure, earthy, round", less overtones etc, the Yamahas are "thinner" from the player's seat, but great with a microphone, attack and bottom. I've owned other kits with 22x18 & 20x16, the 20x16 was ok but I really disliked the 22x18. You ideally should find the same drum in different depths and try them in a few different rooms and settings difficult. For a 18x I also think that 18x14 is "the classic", I believe the second hand value is better on a Gretsch USA Custom 18x14 than a 18x16. Just some random thoughts...
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Wed Jul 04, 2018 7:48 am


Trying side by side is probably not an option, though.

Ideally I should have been travelling around a lot these last few yeasr and also spe some time around the US in big stores and with different builders. I might have even just say f' it and get both, but live and economics is simply not like that anymore.

I'd ideally just get every size and use a bit of credit for a few months if need be, but in my current position that's reckless, so it's small 12-14-18 first then 10-16-22 then 20 and eventually add on if need be.

So I guess 14" is classic, but 16" would be more versatile. For transportation that small of a diameter already makes it a breeze compared to my regular 22x18. Public transport friendly.
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Paul Marangoni » Wed Jul 04, 2018 9:15 am

Odd-Arne Oseberg wrote:
So I guess 14" is classic, but 16" would be more versatile.

Not at all. The only benefit to the 16" depth is the ability to position the tom mount on the bass drum further away from the batter side. When it comes to sound and feel, 14" is what you want.

The real issue is the 18" bass drum itself. They're not for everyone. 20" is usually a better choice (also in a 14" depth).
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Wed Jul 04, 2018 10:04 am

hmmm Well. I guess I generally want my toms closer rather than further away.

When I started playing it was often a bit of an issues as I preferred sitting with my thighs flat and stretch my foot instead of raising the throne. Sort of works now. I've become a bit less picky over time, it seems.

Guess that's why we have sliding rail mounts, but they're not really that common. Can only really think of that beast of a hardware contraption on a Sonor kit I played a few times with an orchestra I was subbing for.

I remember seeing one of Vinnie's kit for sale where he had a different type of mount right on th edge of the batter side. Makes sense considering how freakishly low he used to sit.

Still have some time to think. Gotta be sure how things are with work(how much work I have), if I get my vacation money next month and have to finally get my custom Jamison amp and Radio King sent here.

6 month lead time and 50% up front, so should be fine once I pull the trigger.
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Re: Can we just talk Gretsch drums a bit.

Postby sjj123 » Thu Jul 05, 2018 5:39 am

I'm wrestling with my 20x14 Brooklyn kick a bit. It seems to lack volume compared to the rest of the kit. I typically play it with closed reso head and only felt strips on batter & reso / no hole and also have tried same heads with a 4" hole and a bit of dampening that I move around inside searching for the best sound & feel. I've set my kicks up with no hole and felt like (SSmith) for many years...this one sounds great tuned up but I dont play that music out. If I were to throw my arms up and try something completely different what would guys suggest. I want some rebound.
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