Which website builder?

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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Which website builder?

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Sun May 12, 2019 10:41 am

I'm sure it's eacaped through my many rants that I'm soon ready to make myself a couple of websites.

I don't really speak computer at all, not more than I have to anyway, and I was just wondering what builders/providers people recommend. Any simple courses on the web that maight be helpful in addition? Guess they probably provide the help I'd need inside the program, but..

One site will be my musician/teacher site.

The other will be my organisation.

I'll need everything people have on such sites. A blog, a store for both downloads and physicalm orders. The onganisation should obviously have a donation button as well. Probably forums, but not right away.

They don't need to be super fancy or look super cool. They just have to simple and easy to use both for me and people looking them up.

I'm just interested in ideas, if people have any.
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Re: Which website builder?

Postby Morgenthaler » Mon May 13, 2019 12:20 am

I love working with Squarespace. It's super easy to manage multiple pages (which I do) on there.
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Re: Which website builder?

Postby GoAndPractice » Mon May 13, 2019 8:23 am

x2 on Squarespace. I've built both of my sites on there, the templates are great and they have a ton of plugins for the type of things you are looking for. You can even build one to try it out at no charge.
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Re: Which website builder?

Postby GoAndPractice » Mon May 13, 2019 8:23 am

x2 on Squarespace. I've built both of my sites on there, the templates are great and they have a ton of plugins for the type of things you are looking for. You can even build one to try it out at no charge.
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Odd-Arne Oseberg
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Re: Which website builder?

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Sat May 25, 2019 5:14 am

It does seem like Squarespace, it's what I see on the bottom of the page most often, but there's some claims that Wix is easier to use.

Had auditions yesterday. Kind of a weird thing. I've never done one for work and in this case it's also a bit strange. Small town prentending to be big league and at risk of sounding sexist, if it's all female leaders like here, there's often a tendency to go more by the book than necessary. An imaginary book when you get right down to it. The big schools never do this because their faculty have the competence to tell by asking the right questions. We speak the same language. These people really don't, so it's more a game of stepping carefully and gently reminding them of the work I've already done here.

Anyway then it's summer show and hopefully I've gotten the letter from the DA's office that I need to finish what I planned to do before summer.


Then I'll sit down and look at this. Just having the domain and something saying what it's all about is good, so there's at least something when people go check it out.

Guess my organisation falls in the "Community and Non-profits" category. That one's first priority. I'll definetly want donations, though. A litt bit of equipment, but mostly to cover t-shirts and stuff like that. I could try selling, but I think I'll have too give away quite a few for free in the beginning. It's like being a musician this stuff. It can take 10 years for anyone to really care.

I have ordered a few t-shirts for myself though, which is what I wear when I go to political meetings.

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