I’m proud to be a part of this amazing opportunity for drummers anywhere to spend a few days in a beautiful lakeside resort talking, practicing, sharing and learning drums. Scheduled to appear are Billy Cobham, Dave Weckl, and I over the course of what looks to be an intense 5 day retreat. Spots are limited so check here for details.
Rhythm Retreat drum getaway with Weckl, Cobham, Holmes comes to NY in Sept 2015
June 14th, 2015 · No Comments
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HoD has a conversation with Dave DiCenso
September 13th, 2012 · No Comments
I’ve always been fascinated by Dave DiCenso because of his advanced level of expression on the drums mixed with an excellent feel that makes him enjoyable to listen to. Through the magic of the internet and Facebook, I ended up having breakfast with Dave, and even went and did some drumming at my lockout (video of that coming soon!)
I’m proud to present a conversation with Dave DiCenso.
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New HoD Video Lesson!
February 20th, 2012 · No Comments
I remember the first “blushda” video lesson back before youtube was even out. It was in wmv format (those were the days). Well some years later we’re still doing it, albeit with better gear and more bandwidth all around. This lesson is about a cool rudiment that you can do a lot with. Enjoy!
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2011 was here!
November 22nd, 2011 · No Comments
Greetings front-page readers. It has been a year since the front-page was updated (to my regret), but the HoD community lives on the forum. Activity there is steady and folks interested in the HoD content are encouraged to head on over , create an account, and join the discussion. Or just lurk. Up to you. Either way don’t let the lack of updates fool you. HoD is alive and well.
I still update my YouTube Page a fair bit. Including this one uploaded recently.
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New live Altered video!
November 14th, 2010 · No Comments
Still having fun with my instrumental trio, Altered. Here’s some highlights from our last show, October 24th, 2010:
Discussion here on the new forums!
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New HoD Forums are up!
October 14th, 2010 · No Comments
An all new version of the ever popular House of Drumming forums are now live! The current forums are being locked down and replaced around October 25th. For now you can sign-up and browse the new forums here. The new YouTube embedding feature has already yielded some cool topics, like this topic with a bunch of kick-ass Zach Danzinger videos.
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Forum highlights May 2010
May 12th, 2010 · No Comments
Lot’s going on the forum as always, here’s some highlights:
- Here’s an interesting interview with Herbie Hancock where he discusses playing with the great Wayne Shorter, as well as using Vinnie on his recent tours. Discussion on that here. (Thanks “baht habit”)
- There’s an interesting discussion on the pros and cons of starting in the NY scene with some informative comments from Mark Griffith. Worth a read if you’re thinking about moving to any new city to try and make a living playing music.
- There’s some great photos and YouTube links from a recent JoJo Mayer clinic. I’m really glad JoJo has emerged over the last few years, he deserves it!
- Prog Rock pioneers RUSH are the focus of a new Documentary called “Beyond the Lighted Stage”. Youtube links and discussion right here! (thanks Rafael Dolinski)
- Parts 2 and 3 of the House of Drumming “Flam Rolls” video lessons went up. Links and discussion right here.
- Looks like our own Peter Erskine was in Columbia, SC recently to do a clinic. Some HoD fans were there to get the obligatory colon pipe picture (nicely done guys). More pics and discussion on the clinic can be found here.
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New House of Drumming video lesson up!
April 9th, 2010 · No Comments
I’ve always been fascinated by this kind of phrasing and since I wanted to test out my new camera I thought I would do a video lesson on Flam-Rolls. Enjoy!
Discussion here on the forums.
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February News Round up!
February 10th, 2010 · No Comments
Lots of interesting chat ont he forums these days. Here’s a few tidbits:
- Thanks Randy for the FYI on the New Jeff Beck CD release. Vinnie on drums.
- Gary Novak is still living the life gigging with American Idol’s Taylor Hicks.
- Looks like Vinnie is gigging at the Roxy in LA with Tal Wlkenfeld on Feb 28th!
- Steve Smith released a pretty long video showing some practicing at home. I can appreciate a guy who keeps drums in the kitchen.
- Check out this 1970 Tony Williams interview which is a pretty interesting reflection of him as an artist, as well as the racial tone of the time. Great read.
- SlickRick over at the Drummerworld forums has transcribed Dave DiCenso’s absolutely sick drum solo from the video which has become one of my all time favorites. Check out the vid right here on youtoobs!
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Dave DiCenso’s “Universal Rhythms for Drumset” released
November 8th, 2009 · No Comments
Since I was first introduced to Dave DiCenso’s drumming a couple of years ago, he has easily become one of my all time favorite drummers. He has a unique combination of chops, groove, and feel. He clearly gets the language of drumming and knows hot to tell stories with it. His first book has been released here on Alfred Publishing’s web site.
Entitled “Universal Rhythms for Drumset”, Dave describes in detail more about the book here on his web site. As disappointed as I am that Dave hasn’t made a video instead, I can’t help but recommend his book.
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Good luck with the book Dave. You deserve it.