OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby groober » Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:48 am

Why do we judge and criticize, when we don't really know the details ?
It might be his mistake, it might be their mistake. It might be for money, it might be for taste. I don't really care ... I just love Vinnie's playing and everything else he brings to the table.

Good Luck Vinnie ! with whatever choice you make ...
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby Morgenthaler » Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:34 am

Well put, groober. Thanks.
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby groober » Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:25 am

Hi five Morgenthaler
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby Pocketplayer » Tue Oct 22, 2013 5:54 am

Why do we judge and criticize, when we don't really know the details ?

Because it's a drum's fun (part of human nature--be it good, bad, or indifferent)

Do celebrity endorsements work? Ahhhh, yeah. Marketers call this the transitive property
I believe. But do they really help sales? Most studies have focused on what the announcement
of a celebrity endorsement does for the stock prices of the companies in question.

With athletic celebrity endorsements (adverts) stocks go up roughly a quarter of a percentage
point, on average, with a celebrity endorsement, sales for products endorsed by athletes go
up by an average of 4%. In the end however, it is part of out fallen state--idolorty.

We seem to crave connection to the famous and the powerful! This is several steps or
stages away from cannibalism--eating the flesh or body parts of what one admires or wants
for them self. It is that specific celebrity objects can impart the "essence" of those who have
handled them or owned them before us. I mean, Gatorade just broke the secret mold years
ago and said it flat out, "BE LIKE MIKE!"

Look at it another way. Why buy a President's golf clubs or an actor's old car? I believe
the elephant in the room here is called an "autograph." Maybe taking a picture next to
a celeb is right behind this, "Look at ME...I know _______!" Name dropping is right up there
as well.

It also works both ways. When a celebrity falls from grace, we tend to go in the opposite
direction. Go pick up an old Modern Drummer...look on the back cover of a Zildjian ad.
Still get motivated looking at endorsements from Steve Adler or Alan Gratzer? (well,
maybe back in the day the interest wasn't high...but you get the idea)

Vinnie with ......? His staying power is impressive, but his name for the young audience
is NOT what is once was. If you want to move the high selling entry brand of drum kits
sold at music stores around the world, Vinnie ain't your man.

Vinnie with......? If you want to give your company street creds, by all means, sign the man.
Whatever you associate with VC (greatness, creativity, diversity, name it) that then becomes
the association (link) with the company. Simple as that. Listen to the company rep when they
announce him or whomever after signing...
"We at _______ Drums are very proud to announce our association with probably the greatest
drummer of our generation, Mr. Vinnie Colaiuta. What Vinnie brings is ___________________
and we too at _________ Drums strive to do the same!"

just sayin' :)

I think watching that George Carlin vid over the weekend messed with my brain.
Jeff Porcaro Groove Master
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby groober » Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:15 am

May be taking a step back out of the forum might clear things up a bit.
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby thewikiman » Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:26 am

Opinion seems to be divided between the camp who are really invested in the decisions he makes, and the camp who are very keen to show everyone how little of a shit they give.

Endorsements work because when people first get into drums, they often want to emulate their heroes. I play Yamaha / Zildjian because that's what Vinnie played when I first started drumming, AND because their products were great when I got them. I play Evans because they impressed me more than the Remos I initially bought (because Vinnie played them), I play Iron Cobras because they impressed me more than the DWs I initially bought (because Vinnie played them). Endorsements hook you in - the products keep you there. Or not.

Personally I'm fascinated to know what Vinnie does next - but I'm 33, it's not going to have any impact on my own choice of instrument. I just think it's interesting that he's quit Ludwig (I'd love to REALLY know why) and interesting to see what he does next because someone in his position could do anything he wanted to, so the choice is telling. I'm neither too cool for school nor obsessively hitting refresh on HOD to see who he plays next.
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby groober » Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:12 am

There are some that judge freely without knowing any of the facts. May be his endorsement decisions still maintain integrity, but you don't even know it. May be some one wanted to mess with him, or he saw some thing that he didn't care to lend his name to, but ... you don't know may be he's actually doing every one a favor.
As for me ... I have faith in my man, care very much about his actions and wish him the best with his future.

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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby Julián Fernández » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:01 am

To me it´s like going back to your old GF... Sometimes you need to see the world to really appreciate what you had... Way to go, Vinnie! 8-)
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby Steve Holmes » Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:09 am

Julián Fernández wrote:To me it´s like going back to your old GF... Sometimes you need to see the world to really appreciate what you had... Way to go, Vinnie! 8-)

Nicely put.
My interest is more entertainment at this point, him actually switching to Ludwig in the first place makes it hard to take him too seriously. But we don't know what its like to be him and we're not clear on his priorities. No matter what city you're in the world over there's a great sounding Yamaha kit to rent nearby that sounds just as good as the one from the previous city. This matters a great deal when al you do is play and tour and play and tour.
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Re: OFFICIAL.... Vinnie is no longer with Ludwig!!

Postby groober » Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:10 pm

At this point you can bet I'm gonna be in to what hoops, how many plies etc , but, I'm gonna listen to him play. And already I can sense a feeling of experimentation that bodes well.

+ that sound

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