The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

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The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Juan Expósito » Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:29 am

Hello folks,
I hope everyone is doing well.
The situation is really hard...affecting everyone here in Europe.
Here in Spain, France and Italy we aren´t allowed go out our homes. Only to buy food or medicine.
This is for two weeks but it will last much longer.
Musicians community is suffering seriously and the future is dark...with the incredible economy effect that this is causing.
No airlines working from Europe and it´s getting worse.

Yesterday I had a videochat with Tom Kennedy (Dave Weckl Band) and it´s affecting to everyone.
Musicians with royalties can do fine without live performance/touring but the rest??

All the gouvernements have acted late, seeing the situation affecting to other countries and believing that the BUG is a far problem. Wrong!

Anyway, be safe friends.

How are you living this in USA, South America, your country...?
Last edited by Juan Expósito on Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity in danger

Postby willyz » Wed Mar 18, 2020 5:55 am

Well. We have an idiot as president that changes his tune every day about what's going on, putting money into the market, saying the stocks will be okay, and then touching every person and object and shaking every hand on a live address...

I live about 40 minutes outside New York City. Tri-state area seems to be grouped together, as our leadership in the local and state are having to make calls for themselves without proper guidance from up top.

People started hoarding various groceries, as we've been hearing, around me about a week ago. Luckily Sara and I managed to get enough groceries and whatnot together so we'll be good for a while. We've also been staying indoors with the food runs being the only exception since last Thursday. New York is a pretty big epicenter for the virus at the moment. So, yeah, even though we realize that we're not at extreme risk, are healthy, etc, it's still a bit scary. You can certainly feel the tension when you do go outside to run an errand.

As for work, well... while I'm not cancelling tours and worldwide gigs/dates, I had about 20 students before this started, and now about 2/3 of my roster has dropped or paused on lessons for the time being. The remaining few I'm attempting online lessons with. Unfortunately for me, teaching was (again, was) my bread and butter as I've got gigs booked, just further out in the year as well as going into 2021 (which, yeah, booking far out is a huge happy plus, but still), so we'll see.

My wife's parents and her brother live in Philadelphia (look up what happened to Philly during the flu of 1918), practicing the same sort of staying inside routine that we are, and my parents live in the middle of nowhere in Michigan, but are in the age group that's of risk, especially my mother as she's had heart failure and some other medial issues. My sister, her husband and my nephew live in Grand Rapids, MI, where there's also been reported cases.

There's plenty of shedding I can do (when my wife allows, lol), and plenty to do around the house, and attempt to maintain some sort of normalcy, but fuck mate. It's a really strange time and even considering myself a reasonable, rational person, I find it difficult to not panic a little and try to think ahead in case things get worse.

Get your bug-out kits and bug-out plans together folks!

Cheers, and stay safe out there!
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity in danger

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:59 pm

No cases inmy town yet. Not any known cases on this whole part of the west coast, really. They still take all the precautions, though. Gloves and disinfectant in every store.

Everyone coming in from the east or south is put in a 2 week quarantine. There's a hefty fine if you break it.

Obviously, schools and most public offices are closed.

I you have to go to the doctor, you have to wait outside in your car and then they call your cell when you can come in.

Yeah, for some reason toilet paper, frozen pizzas and ready made bread mixes are very much en vogue. I had no trouble finding my regular items.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Pocketplayer » Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:14 pm

Oooo, this thread might become like one of old...HOD needs a boost of
adrenaline. Once the Prez is involved, all hand on! lol

Just heard today Keith Urban, Pink and many others doing Instagram concerts...

Roommate lost one of his job already...he loses the other one and life changes
fast. Last 12 months I could do without...lost my dad, best friend, aunt, friend
has prostate cancer now this. Schools all closed so my income went to zero fast.
Marshall law? Life in a fallen world. The "we are all connected" usually is a
positive the business world, the ripple effect can be devastating.
Last edited by Pocketplayer on Wed Mar 18, 2020 10:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Steve Holmes » Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:39 pm

It is indeed a crazy time. The Mrs and I are hunkered down for the time being. I'm working from home and enjoying that. An upside for me is more folks home = more folks playing Call of Duty (I wish it was better circumstances). Plus we just released a FREE version that's super fun if anyone is interested in trying a new game (on ps4, xbox or PC). It's called Call of Duty WARZONE.

The Neil Peart video is 167k views last I checked. It sure is interesting reading the comments from the various types of fans on there.

I'm not scared of getting sick. I'm scared of people under pressure and the possibility of folks who are important parts of the system decide to stop working because <reason here>. The folks in charge of delivering and keeping stores stocked. Security and Police forces. The Rodney King riots were basically anarchy and that was about race - which doesn't have the reach and effect that an invisible color-blind disease has. Things are going to get much worse before they get better and it will be months and months for this thing to take its course. I hope everyone stays in and stays safe.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby langmick » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:47 am

I really feel for the gigging musicians that don't have another source of income. I see some in my FB feed, they had no plan B and aren't spring chickens. What are all the service industry workers to do. I used to be one, I can recall lots of people dependent upon that income, and nothing else. No trust fund, rich parents, savings. I feel for them.

I traveled from CT to MI when it started getting pub as being stateside, got a runny nose, and it got worse...thought I had it. But, pretty much cleared up in a week or so. This all seems like an over-reaction, where the quarantine could have been staged with most affected first rather than all these governors shutting down state economies...this is insane. Perhaps it's partially an election year reaction and politics are at work...
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Thu Mar 19, 2020 12:49 am

There are some benefites to be living in a small country with high taxes. Independent businesses will be getting 80% of their expected income. Deadline for preliminary taxes is also pushed back two months.

Other than today's doctor''s appointment being cancelled I'm not affected. At this point it's just about extending my sick leaved for burnout and preparing for court anyway. Still no way to tell how that will turn out, but at least there's good people working on it.

I guess I might try the Tommy Igoe challenge today.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:46 am

langmick wrote:
I traveled from CT to MI when it started getting pub as being stateside, got a runny nose, and it got worse...thought I had it. But, pretty much cleared up in a week or so. This all seems like an over-reaction, where the quarantine could have been staged with most affected first rather than all these governors shutting down state economies...this is insane. Perhaps it's partially an election year reaction and politics are at work...

It's not about you, it's about old people and anyone with a compromised immune system, T2D etc... You may have it and not even get any or very mild symptoms if you're healthy. Parents, grand parents and so on, may not be so lucky. That's what people have to understand and why those who don't are so dangerous.

If you don't think it's serious, ask people in Italy. 3000 dead so far. I don't think their families and loved ones find this thing an "over-reaction."
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby langmick » Thu Mar 19, 2020 1:55 am

Never said it was about me, and I have been paying close attention. Many of my close friends are impacted by this.

One factor affecting the country's death rate may be the age of its population — Italy has the oldest population in Europe, with about 23% of residents 65 or older, according to The New York Times. The median age in the country is 47.3, compared with 38.3 in the United States, the Times reported. Many of Italy's deaths have been among people in their 80s, and 90s, a population known to be more susceptible to severe complications from COVID-19, according to The Local.

The over-reaction I'm referring to is shutting down entire states rather than taking a different approach, attending to the truly vulnerable, like the elderly and infirm. Why destroy the lives of so many? I'm allowed to ask questions. I could just go full-on ORANGE MAN BAD.
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Re: The CoronaVIRUS - touring, music activity...and much more

Postby Odd-Arne Oseberg » Thu Mar 19, 2020 2:28 am

langmick wrote:Never said it was about me, and I have been paying close attention. Many of my close friends are impacted by this.

One factor affecting the country's death rate may be the age of its population — Italy has the oldest population in Europe, with about 23% of residents 65 or older, according to The New York Times. The median age in the country is 47.3, compared with 38.3 in the United States, the Times reported. Many of Italy's deaths have been among people in their 80s, and 90s, a population known to be more susceptible to severe complications from COVID-19, according to The Local.

The over-reaction I'm referring to is shutting down entire states rather than taking a different approach, attending to the truly vulnerable, like the elderly and infirm. Why destroy the lives of so many? I'm allowed to ask questions. I could just go full-on ORANGE MAN BAD.

You are aware that 50% of the US population are obese, prediabetic or diabetic, right? Thus, with this particular virus, putting them all at high risk.

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